Virtual Bioinformatics Workshop ‒ 2024

Virtual Bioinformatics Workshop ‒ 2024

Essentials in Bioinformatics

Workshop Overview: This online workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to fundamental bioinformatics tools and databases essential for conducting research.

Target Audience: This workshop is tailored for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as young researchers who are new to bioinformatics and wish to acquire essential skills in utilizing bioinformatics tools and databases for their research projects.

Main Areas Covered:

  • Biological databases & tools: Biological database searching (exploring NCBI & UniProt), DNA sequence analysis tools: similarity searching, sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree construction, primer designing, promoter analysis

Resource Person: Dr. Anushka Wickramasuriya, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Colombo

  • Protein bioinformatics: Protein structure prediction, protein-protein interaction analysis

Resource Person: Dr. Pasan Fernando, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Colombo.

  • Introduction to NGS analysis using galaxy

Resource Person: Mr. Nilaksha Neththikumara, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo.

Duration: 20 h


Tentative Dates:





Biological Databases & Tools


10th August 2024





6.30 – 8.30 pm

13th August 2024

17th August 2024

20th August 2024

Protein Bioinformatics

22nd August 2024

26th August 2024

29th August 2024

2nd September 2024

Introduction to NGS Analysis using Galaxy

3rd – 15th September 2024


Course Fees:

  • Early Registration: 6,500 LKR (on or before 7th August 2024)
  • Late Registration: 8,500 LKR

A certificate of participation will be awarded to those who fulfill 75% attendance